Sermons from 2010

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December 26, 2010

"Warnings from God"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Matthew 2:11–2:15

December 19, 2010

"From the Stable to the House"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Matthew 2:1–2:11

December 12, 2010

"Why the Manger instead of a Mansion"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Luke 2:7–2:7

December 5, 2010

"Mary's Discoveries"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Luke 1:26–1:38

November 28, 2010

"Moving Forward"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Exodus 14:15–14:15

November 7, 2010

"Coping with Crisis"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: 2 Samuel 15:13–15:37

October 31, 2010

"Preparing for Trouble"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: John 16:33–16:33

October 17, 2010

"Defeating Discouragement"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Nehemiah 4:1–4:10

October 10, 2010

"You will find Rest"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Matthew 11:28–11:30

October 3, 2010

"Calling all Christians"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Acts 11:19–11:26

September 26, 2010

"What's the story on Missions"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Acts 13:1–13:4

September 12, 2010

"I will build my Church"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Matthew 16:13–16:20

September 5, 2010

"The best is yet to come"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: 1 Peter 5:10–5:11

August 29, 2010

"Handling End Time Pressures"

Speaker: Steve Bland Series: End Times Scripture: Luke 21:25–21:26

August 22, 2010

"A Little While"

Speaker: Steve Bland Series: End Times Scripture: Hebrews 10:32–10:37

August 8, 2010

"End Time Praying"

Speaker: Steve Bland Series: End Times Scripture: Luke 18:1–18:8

August 1, 2010

"What Time is It"

Speaker: Steve Bland Series: End Times Scripture: Acts 1:6–1:6

July 25, 2010

"The Power of One"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Joshua 23:10–23:11

July 18, 2010

"The Potter and the Clay"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Jeremiah 18:1–18:6

July 11, 2010

"What makes God Wonder"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Isaiah 59:16

July 4, 2010

"What makes us Free"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: John 8:32–8:32

June 27, 2010

"Do Something"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Colossians 3:23–3:24

June 20, 2010

"How to be a Great Father"

Speaker: Steve Bland Topic: Fathers Day Scripture: Luke 8:40–8:56

June 13, 2010

"Commencement Day for Joshua"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Joshua 1:1–1:9

June 6, 2010

"Remember the Body and the Blood"

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:24–11:25

May 30, 2010

A Call to Remember

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:1–8:6

May 16, 2010

"Jesus the Coming King"

Speaker: Steve Bland Series: What We Believe Scripture: Revelation 22:20

May 9, 2010


Speaker: Karen Bland Topic: Mothers Day

May 2, 2010

Speaker: Steve Bland Series: What We Believe Scripture: Acts 2:1–2:4

April 25, 2010

"Jesus: Savior of the World"

Speaker: Steve Bland Series: What We Believe Scripture: Matthew 1:21

April 18, 2010

Proving God

Speaker: Steve Bland Scripture: Malachi 3:6–3:10


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